The total cost after importation (vehicle ready to drive) is usually the sum of the vehicle price, import expenses and taxes.

Vehicle price: it is always advisable to check if taxes are included or not, if there is a fee for NOT applying for credit, etc.

Import expenses: any help you may need from a third party such as our services, legalisation expenses (MOT, Homologation etc), transport costs or any other costs related to your case.

Taxes: Some of the important variables to calculate the Portuguese "import tax" are:

  • Original market/country registration
  • Current registration country (country of last registration)
  • Make, Model, Version
  • Year and month of first registration
  • Engine capacity (cm3)
  • Co2 (grams per km)
  • Actual Milleage/Km
  • For non-regular passenger cars also nr. of seats and weight

Typical scenarios are as follows:

Case 1: legalization/import costs for a vehicle you already own:

If you are moving your main residence to Portugal, you might be able to request a tax exemption. Otherwise, depending on the classification of the vehicle, you may have to pay in "Import Tax" (ISV) and/or other taxes according to certain criteria. 

If you would like to receive a quotation please provide the details above about your vehicle and let us know where is your address (District) in Portugal. 

Case 2: for a vehicle you want to buy:

If you are buying a vehicle, criteria such as those mentioned above will be important in calculating the taxes.

Please inform us the details above plus the link to the seller ad of the car you already chosen.

If you require further assistance please contact us.